WOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! THANKS GUYS!!!!!! I sure am proud of you! :geauxtige Feel the love! :D Heather
Me too! I was sitting in the student section almost by myself cold and wet. Miami brought the Hurricane to Tiger Stadium that night. It was awful....
Maybe you need some new cheese? :yelwink2:
You said a lot. And I agree you are just pointing out facts. I was just looking at Dandy Don, http://www.dandydon.com and this is what he...
This team has had to endure a lot this year. Out state has been through a lot physically and emotionally. And yes, remember this is a new coaching...
UH-Oh, see what happens when I get passionate. :) And your answer is yes. I am very strict on how my students turn in their papers in that they...
OK, Guys lets hear from a teacher. And that teacher would be me, Heather. First, No offense, but I REALLY HATE that quote "Those who can do, those...
Hey thats a great idea!
Is Brett going to put the tiger eyes back on the board this year like last? It was cool.:D (hint, hint)
Now, now, that hurts. :sob: I thought our top 25 was very well put together and can compete with any of the polls in the nation. ;) :rofl:
I understand. I graduated in May with my Masters and read everything that I could'nt when I was going to school. I crammed about 10 books in a...
Thanks! Heather:geauxtige
Have I mentioned that PURPLE is my favorite color? :hihi:
Well my Dad is an alumni of LSU and I can remember being five and loving LSU and wanting to be a golden girl all of my life. So I always cheered...
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BergeGFK again. :eek: :D Heather :geauxtige