All that over a typo, you are stupid! On another post say's that a 4 year old could speak from Louisiana Im in shock! Call CNN now!
LSU fans dont have comman sense!
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by tigerhater69 Great WIN LSU...
I 2nd that, Vols will play Mich much better of a matchup as far as tradition and histroy.
Its been fun smacking with you, all in all a good win. I will be back next year to spread some more crap. Did not mean a thing I said to you at...
Go sell some food stamps for .25 cents on the dollar to help you make the trailer pmt. I bet your car title is in pawn for 75.00 better make the...
Heres one go raise hell
Is that all you could compete in. You were Im sure the last one picked in gym class. And it still bothers you.
Did you win any medals in the special olimpics. Or did you forget to run when they said go. Or did your half brother win how many half brothers...
Boy you want my momma real bad. Why your ken folk getting old or did your sister decide to sleep wih daddy tonight. Thats OK you can go outside...
[WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO] what did you get a boast in food stamps
Go back to bed with your sister. And on Sunday dont forget to visit your mom in jail. And dont forget to take her those Lucky Strike smokes, and...
Is that monkey you or your son?
dumbassedness is that a word in your trailer park you call home? Go buy some chips and dip with your food stamps for your sugar bowl. Ed, thats...
You damn sure dont derserve the Rose Bowl. The BCS is crap and this proves it you did not even win your DIV. And got stomped by the team that...
You were better than us today. I ran my mouth and put you guys down hard. I tip my hat to you, you are the best in the SEC. Now lets hope Neb...
Im right here good game so let me have it
Im eating crow now big time. All I can say is thank you for makeing the BCS look so stupid. You are better than I thought. Good game and Good luck...
Now lets see what you can do.
Thats OK I understand your pain.