I figured one thread for practice videos as they are posted would be convenient. Scott Long posted this one yesterday from the first practice....
Good read. This is in Jindal's own words. Link Following are 6 points he made. He expounds on them in the article. We've discussed / argued...
I saw an article on NOLA.com that posed this question. If, for the rest of your days, you could only do one or the other, which would it be?...
Link The Ohio State Buckeyes have dismissed senior running back Carlos Hyde, projected by some to be among the top tailbacks in the nation this...
This is his latest. Always puts out the best! [media]
link Dad posts this pic of his kid and family services threatens to take the kid from the home. SMH. [IMG]
This is from a constituent survey my company is doing. I'm curious what our posters here think. H.J.Res. 15 is an amendment to the Constitution...
Steve wanted me to let everyone know that his new and improved cafe, the Cafe Gentilly, is opening Monday 1/14. It is at 5325 Franklin...
Link St. Petersburg, Fla. -- LSU coaches, as of 5:00 p.m. (EST), are en route to Orlando, Fla. to meet with uncommitted and consensus No. 1...
Nice article on Miles Link Arkansas was supposed to be a top-10 team this season, but then the Bobby Petrino incident happened, the wheels...
From Monday's news conference. He makes sense. Too bad the SEC champ can't just be given the crystal :) Link Speaking at his weekly press...
For those who think their vote doesn't count: Crescent City Connection toll extension appears to have passed by 8 votes The outcome of a...
Post the good ones you see here. Either party. Let's not turn this into a bashing thread. Both sides have put out some good ones. [media]...
I cooked Jambalaya for about 1200 at the Metairie walk last Saturday. Had some great helpers :) [IMG] We had a great turnout. [IMG]...
I love how she taped her nose up. B_Leblanc, do you know this chick? I think you should play this on a loop in your office :) [media]
Let's keep this one lighthearted. There are TONS of idiots all across the spectrum and it is fun when people expose them. We can all stand to...
Love the support for the Saints [IMG]
On chat NOW (1pm) http://espn.go.com/sportsnation/chats From DD today: 10:20 a.m. – SportsCenter (live on ESPN with Chris Fowler) 10:35 a.m....
If this were a Tigerfan member, who would it be? [IMG] By the shit eating grin on his face, he looks stoned now!