Mr Guilbeau's views and arguments are ludacris. He gets paid to share his dimwitted opinions? Must be a sure sign of the apocolypse.
True Dat! He got Knocked the Fock Out!
1st: [ATTACH] Favorite beer of alltime. And it's a Marzen. Look it up, you won't believe what those Monks did when brewing beer. It...
Dat's whut I'm talkin 'bout! Can't tell you how many cheap bears and bottles of Tbird I consumed in Highschool. Man, they could put a hurtin on...
Thanks, just what I was looking for.
Does anyone have the depth chart that Miles issued the press on Monday? I'd love to see the whole list instead of the partial list put out by the...
I really do love Shlitz. Can't buy it here though. Doesn't matter. We're gonna go all out for Saturday night, gonna take the NightTrain....
I think this is EXACTLY right. I think LM was leaning toward Michigan. However, when Herbie found out and leaked it, I think Miles did a 180...
I remember it REAL well. LSU was a heartbeat away from greatness that year. I was a student only a year out of highschool. LSU was a bigger part...
There is ZERO doubt that Herbstreit is the reason that Miles stayed at LSU. Everyone knows that Miles couldn't reach the key personel at Michigan...
Dumbazz Herbie must want a few interviews from Miles this year, usually he's down on us more than any other team. I hope Miles ignores his...
Man,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm glad my initials aren't CUM. That's almost as bad a SabanFan.
I resent that remark! Guy walks into a bar, and screams "All Lawyers are azzholes". A guy at the end of the bar says "I resent that remark"....
I NEVER said anything that would indicate I was trying to PRETEND a dwi isn't that bad. And by the way,,,,,EVERYONE I know hasn't driven drunk, of...
I think it's worth the debate that the "SabanFan" moniker is stupid if it's attached to a true LSU fan. Get smart, get rid of the name.
Doesn't make me feel any better, I'm not sure where you got that one. I was trying to indicate that he's young, he'll make mistakes, and hopefully...
The VT/Bama game is the biggest game of the weekend. Both teams should be pretty good. VT got embarrassed by LSU on nat'l TV and I think Beamer...
Too bad Perriloux didn't see Mr Cannon for some better ID when he went gambling. He might be starting this year too.
Reading your post, I conclude you've never broken the law. As said earlier, a glass of wine will get you a DUI. Lots of people have gotten them....
OK. I get it. I'm gonna leave this alone after this post. I was raised in a southern Baptist home. Some of the most humble, hardworking, smart,...