You should be ashamed of yourself. Too Frickin MUCH NEGATIVITY! Stop IT!!!
That's what I'm talking about. NICE! Keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're right, The OF needs to tighten up. Have Faith. Jefferson is LEARNING as we watch.
Please get away from the negative. THis team is NEW. Noone would have known what they'd come at us with. I LIKE LES. I LIKE his past decisions. I...
We get the 2nd half kickoff. We'll figure it out. Have faith!
I am NEVER going back into the chat room. Nothing but NEGATIVITY and guys passing out from pills. UnREAL. Never again.
It's 30 minutes till kickoff, I'm watching Saban get it handed to him because of stupidity by his players. I've finished a six of beer,,,,,time to...
Damnit,,,,,,now I can't get that damn hammer song outta my head.
Very cool picture. Nice to see the Tigers and LSU Fans showing the love to our team. LSU has come a long way in the last few years. When you see...
Regards. See Ya in Baton Rouge. Probobly in Ga too.
What he said was: “I kind of got the chuckle because, for me, coming from ‘SC, there was always banter among the fans about ‘SC and LSU...
Anybody else just see the clown take Washington over us? Unreal. Corso was usually always with us.
This guy is just asking for it. Obviously he speaks before thinking things out. Hopefully Miles will bring this up in the locker room. What a BS...
IF......there's a way to schedule another team instead of Tulane this year, we should do it. Can they forfeit and us find another game? It's going...
TRY THIS, You ALL can probobly relate: YouTube - Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist this little segment REALLY mirrors my views. Would YOU or...
Obviously I'm not hanging out with the intellectual crowd that you must see in your leisure time. I still laughed. My kids really used to come up...
These are some HUGE hits: [ATTACH] Cheney's big Hit [ATTACH] she was too cute to leave out, and that's a Huge Hit!
Watched some of the Philly preseason game last night and my buddy turned on "who let the dogs out" when Vick trotted onto the field. I laughed so...
So Bandit, how's the Kindle thing working out for you? I've considered buying it but noone I know can recommend it. Are you happy with it?...