TJ ribs does have the best ribs, but it is at the Acadian exit. That is one exit down from college drive. This is where most out of towners exit...
After a poor showing in the first quarter :shock: , we finally decide to pound the ball in the second quarter to take a good lead :wink: . On...
Gators For those who have made all the road games, I don't see how you could choose any place else.
Go to yahoo sports and look under ncaa then stats. They have all defensive and offensive stats
From LSU site we get them in TS in september 2005 and go there in 2008.
fightentiger's point is proven when reading chucks reply... making excuses for every point and changing the subject of from them truely not...
Do you know how I could get that on DVD or VHS?
I was in SC in August and I passed through Columbia. Went to the stadium and all. Of course just passing through to go to Charleston to check...
Dingo His father frowned and dropped his head when jr did the pose. I do not think that it was ok with dad.
With the new parking rules engaged, how worried are most of you with your tailgate parties. Have you given up all hope due to not being able to...
No, we have not shown anything yet We do have potential in the whole offense. But the passing is our strong point. We knew that coming into the...
I've noticed that ... many of the posters and admins there have become like a bad radio show. There are a few posts today going over just this...
the replay of Saturday's game on CSSE. Then today I find out CSSE goes under. This really bums me out. I need a fix of college football...
That's typical.. The little guy is always trying to stir up trouble with locals. Used to be people wanted to talk about sports so much that the...
in 4th though