Cal: _buzz has plainly explained the problem with what TE "wants". He's come to this thread asking the liberals to dispel "facts" from a book by...
But just for grins, TE, your search for the truth should begin here here. Happy reading!
You aren't suggesting that, because Franken worked with some of the best and the brightest to make sure that the info he put in his book was...
Dude, you said 9/11 was a wake-up call for us to people like Saddam. You could have said Osama, but you didn't. It's exactly the same thing the...
How could I forget! Geaux Tigers 2.
But are those things, in your mind, mutually exclusive? One can be both liberal/conservative and be open minded. It's simple: just listen, try...
Here’s the thing: you do have a voice. You are voicing your opinion in a public forum now. Likewise, the majority of talk shows have a...
Rice. 77-0. It wasn't even that close.
Dude, when I get the chance, I will spend the time to personally research and refute the allegations of Coulter. But until then, I was suggesting...
Have you read his book? He may be partisan, he may write things with a liberal spin, he may even say some pretty nasty things about people he...
I can't believe I spelled it "Brady" instead of Bradie. Also, and I almost hate to admit it, but before his psychotic nature became public, I...
TE: Since you chose Ann Coulter as your source for info against the left, please read Al Franken's book for its eyeopening refutation of Ann...
Old school: Bert Jones, Carl Otis Trimble, Charles Alexander, Willie Teal, Lyman White, Dalton Hilliard & Gary James, Hokie Gajan (sp), Jesse...
I have been introducing my TX friends to the Universe of the Tiger by having them watch the games with me each weekend. Last weekend, when the...
Re: Despite the context, AJ is a great man b/c of the wisdom of that quote. Man, I appreciate your, um, writing style, but you make no sense....
I wouldn't care if everyone gave it the same amount of credit one gives the Weekly World News standing in the check-out line. The problem is, so...
Re: What has Zook done at UF? About more than just football.
Dude, you liven in the Shire!! A tiger fan in middle earth, how cool.
An excerpt from a great article: A 12-0 season is a legitimate possibility because LSU's schedule sets up incredibly well. The only ranked...
LA native iving in Ft. Worth, TX since 1998, after a 4 year stay in New Mexico.