Interesting how this TNT fellow uses intimate descriptions of he and TuWho's sex life to make a post.
...when you have threads with Mr. WOnderful, TuWho, and TNT, you have dropped the average IQ of posters to single digits.
My only hope for those BIshops and Priests who abuse is that all of my beliefs are fact. Keating was RIGHT and his leaving only means there...
RTex, you have too much time on your hands.... ...and idle hands are the devil's workshop or some crap like that.
Bestbank..Rex has ZERO God given talent..... ....:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I hate freaking agreeing with one of your posts but that car looks nice(For a car which I have not owned one of since 1994.) I like the...
Read "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson.... It is a great book about hiking the AT....Walk in the Woods I also recommend "Into the Wild"...
I think it is a metter of intent and direction..... Someone like Rex wants you to prove an act is evil whereas if you murder someone, I want you...
What if up were down? nm
When you say there are no absolutes in good/evil, the terms lose all meaning.
ANd did you add Tom's website to your links... He is a regular contributor...
Rex, I am not sure how you can go about casting aspersions as to the validity of the thought process of others when you watch American Idol. ;-}
The response was as uncalled for as the original remark.... Are people with religious faith less intelligent(Or at least guilty of using less of...
What do you expect when you consistently question the intelllect and lucidity of people with FAITH. What do you expect when you make comments...
You, sir, are a megalomaniac AND sore loser..... AlGore lost the electoral college, period. He lost his fucking home state!!! I know you will...
Who cares how many MNC's..We have 21 SEC CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!! You earn those on the field!!!!
I figure him to be a gone pecan as soon as the drop to mediocrity is announced, We need a coach at Bama...Any coach!!!
Perhaps I can write my dissertation on a discarded idea for my Masters Thesis. I planned to study the effect of personal hygeine ads on...
I put off the possibility for at least ten years... ...every time I have considered it, I cannot find enough reasons to justify it. If I were to...