Why would the USA need to worry about credibility when just about all of their economy is based on the value of the US dollar? And you're wrong...
Who cares... Let me ask this simple question: Do you think one soul in Iraq cares for an American as much as the liberals in America care...
J_oats... I guess the 40 something other people I've heard comment about Clarett's suck ass attitude are all idiots too, huh? By the way,...
We had a Clarrett His name was Josh Booty.
Hey Tom I've only read a couple of posts of yours and already don't like you. Take your self righteous self contradicting b/s somewhere else...
Notice all his quotes are "I.....I....I.....I.....I..." where is the "we" that won the title. I guess we know where his mind is (or isn't).
Agree too From what I've heard he wants to play LB which is ridiculous. As a RB every time I see him he's hurt or limping or something. He...
The worst experience I've ever had in Tiger Stadium was the Alabama game this year. And that's after having going to most games since 1980....
I agree with the fake punt First of all, had the fake punt worked you know that you would have been delighted. The onside kick worked for us,...
Longhorn24 I think maybe you need to develop a sense of humor. You took that joke a little too personal my friend. And to try to tie in...
Wow I'm shocked! I clicked on the link expecting to find anti LSU garbage and agree whole heartedly with the writer. I can't say I expected the...
Texas If the alamo had a back door there would be no Texas anyway...
My 2 cents I think the world of both guys as athletes, filling the shoes of Rohan was no easy task. Randall has really come along and learned on...
My apologies... ...but the question still stands ;) And for the arrogant Texas fans take a look at the entire strip of crank fiends,...
oh please... Look I've been through the "cosmopolitan" town of Bryant/College Station and I'm sure if I had no life and went with a camera I...
... If your football team wears a backyard farm animal on the football helmet, you are probably a redneck (Arkansas).
LOL me and Gordo know each other from College Sports chat room on Yahoo is what he meant. If any of yall get a chance go in there, you can do...
Wait am I missing something? Didn't Arkansas just score 3 points and get the *&@$# kicked out of them for the 2nd time in Atlanta? And the point...
Re: Re: Re: rebuttal And where did Texas Tech fall in that theory?
I've been banned I posted several responses to their negative comments about us and they banned me. How childish is that, kinda like taking the...