I'm excited to see Adrian Mayes at safety. He was an animal in Atlanta when we needed him against Tennessee! And by far my favorite Tiger,...
OH man how I hope the Big 12 teams all lose out. I wonder how much longer that thread will last if that happens LOL!! Then they'll whine that...
Guys it could be worse....we could be Oregon Fans (I'm thinking highlighter yellow?):...
In all honesty, I wish that JP would stop showing SEC games. After the MSU game last year it dawned on me why we have games at night. While it...
Yeah but Vandy is the academic gem stone of the SEC. While Va Tech may be decent in football and baseball, they don't carry the same value to the...
Think about this though: at least we know it would be at night. I'm more worried about the heat of Arizona during the day.
Miami Football is running on a budget far less than LSU's and look at them. They don't have the alumni support, or the storied "TAF". I'm all...
Why can't Biggles be the victim of a car bombing? Sometimes things in life just aren't the way the should be...
Hey Biggles........ maybe instead of running your worthless pathetic waste of flesh mouth on this forum, you should actually pay attention to...
The Tiger Weekly is a paper that is pathetically written to be "The Onion" wannabe. If you don't know what The Onion is, it's a paper that's...
Is it just me or does it seem that Tom loves to rant and rave about Bush, but never has a suggested solution of his own. If Gore was in office,...
I have a family member who will remain anonymous but works in the financial system of LSU administration and would know better than anybody else...
Here's my ode to accounting: liabilities + stockholder's equity = not assets, but make me want to hang myself Boy am I glad I finished...
No kidding...some of the new school's uniforms look more like SWAC teams than anything else. Did yall happen to see the uniform that Kentucky...
Bayou, sounds to me like you're an ISDS major. I was at LSU too. I went from 92-94, took 6 years off, then came back in 2000 and last semester...
I hear ya bro on the College of Business thing. We can thank TOPS for that one, too many people trying to get into the College. I heard they...
I would like to see an upgrade made to the helmet....possibly a purple helmet with some kind of new design. The yellow helmets have always...
Tom you really are a nut. By the way I know how important the stock market is to the economy, that wasn't my point. You're so full of your own...
Tom, once again, you need to learn a little about economics. So you invest in the stock market and that makes you an expert? Whooo big man....
Tom I think you need to take a macro economics course and actually know what the hell you're talking about, b/c you obviously don't. Somebody hit...