Prolly due to suspensions, injuries and possible key players being held out.
A few weeks ago he claimed he had "a name" of the "bagman" in which the $cam Newton money was transferred. He even went as far as saying "give me...
WOW! Sumbuddy gone be in for a rude awakening in a few weeks...
He was a very good dude. He gave me some infractions for arguing with him. I remember it got so heated he almost put me on the "Sweet Bye and...
Hey fellow SEC brethren- My heart goes out to the Krathorpe and LSU family about this breaking news. My uncle had Parkinson Disease. Prayers are...
Well duh, Bear is bunkin' up with Elvis in Tupelo.:grin: God bless Elvis, Bear and Tupelo, MS. My mother was born 'round dem parts. :thumb:
Next y'all gone be saying Bear Bryant is dead. Lies, just dang lies I say! :insane:
Yeah, it's not like Oregon struggled against any inferior opponents in 2010.....well...except for that one little hiccup of 15-13 against the 5-7...
Without you not using any emoticons I'm not sure if this was toungue in cheek or serious so I'll take it as serious. It proves my point. What we...
I've enjoyed reading this thread. But this thread just proves even more my opinion of how little the PAC-10/12 fans and other fans outside the SEC...
This is where I think you've left the reservation. Y'alls offense could only muster 19 points against Auburn's defense last season and they...
I think most fans of teams in other conferences are sick of the SEC winning and are sick of SEC fans bragging about the conference's dominance....
This will be the best game on the card that day and I can't wait to watch it. I agree it will be a hard fought battle and both teams will have to...
Actually SEC fans seem to be as knowledgeable or more about other teams in other conferences than other fans from other conferences. Football is...
Unless Oregon gets more physical upfront on the defensive side of the ball it ain't gonna matter. During the championship game when Urban and Nick...
I cannot wait to watch this game. I've already had a Duck fan tell me they will beat LSU by two touchdowns. :rofl: :dis: The key to this game...
Thanks guys/gals for the prayers and thoughts. That surrounding area MS/AL got simply hammered. I've got several aunts and uncles in that area...
1)Bama 2)LSU 3)Arkansas 4)Miss State 5)Auburn 6)Ole Miss SEC EAST 1)Florida (Somebody has to win it) 2)South Carolina (A lot of things went...
Well, then they are stupid.
Unfortunately many bama fans saw this coming, as in the USCe game. Before our first loss the signs were there. No pass rush against teams that we...