The difference this year is that is Nutt's job security as of right now is razorblade thin. Recruiting this year has been horrendous, looks like...
Hey guys, just saw this linked from an Arkansas board. If true, I have to say pleeease don't take a look at coach Nutt again, he's great, takes us...
BEST 1. Arkansas - I'm biased, but very original mascot and the red and white look great 2. Penn State - Love the old school 3. Michigan -...
That would be Marketplace Grill. Good food. We have a new restaurant downtown call Mike's Place, thats as good as I've eaten at in much larger...
The quality of Arkansas high school football is just not up to par with surrounding states, and not even close to Texas or California. Don't have...
What troubles most Arkansas fans is that the administration has apparently accepted that being mediocre is about all we can expect. The only way I...
Havent seen or heard this rumor in Arkansas yet, would love for it to be true. You never can tell, though. The media up here is either so out of...
Dear Sabanfan and others who believe Nutt is a wundercoach and are unhappy with Les Miles, let me pose a question. Would you believe your coach is...
Just trying to complimentary of your team and season. Don't judge a coach seeing him once a year. The Hogs have given their best over the years...
All accounts right now say that Nutt has a reprieve this year. There is a power struggle going on in Fayettville, though. A very large percentage...
Coming from a Hog fan, I really hope this game does turn into a real rivalry. We will have to step our game up, though. You guys are the class of...
Thanks for the encouragement, kinda difficult to be a fan right now. Ya'll don't know how big a bullet you dodged by not offering Nutt the job....
Are you guys serious? Complaining over a 10-1 team? Well, my friends, walk a mile in an Arkansas fan's shoes. An 8th year coach who is 21-28 in...
Care to trade coaches? We might even throw in a player to be named later! Congrats on a great game, and good luck in Atlanta. You guys got just...
Guys, all I can say is I wish our fans were having the same argument. At least ya'll HAVE a coach. Be thankful. Congrats from an Arkansas fan on a...