Thats Ali, even better then priceless:lsup:
A problem is having no QB's. We have three and its going to be interesting. Watched him play through HS. Simply amazing. BUT, I am sure Matt and...
'Clair Where's the B-B-Q Been waiting all game!
Classic Cane post. you gotta love it. ============================== zenryan titleAndStar(182,-2,false,false,"")Junior Cane [IMG] Posts: 182...
Thug U is Upset
What a game. Miles even spoke well with Swannie. Credit to the O line.
He would still get two years. You don't lose a year if you transfer down. BUT WHY Stay - start - and win the NC.
We lose a lot of players, but we recruit, reload, and march. Look at Hester - always thought he was a good blocker - never knew he could play...
No Most they gave up is (I think) 134 yards to VA
A better scenero would be with Ryan in the backfield. If he does not play QB, put him in somewhere.:lsup:
It took awhile for me to get it, you hid the Flynn/Perriloux in small font. Loco is missing a hell of a game.:lsup:
JaMarcus who?
we need a cushion as I don't think we will shut them down for the remainder of the game.
Looking great Is that JV down? looks bad
So far looks like we got the W with fans! Hope they can keep the emotion going.:lsup:
I agree with those pointing to the O-line and not the running backs. ALL the running backs had problems running consistently. I hate to admit it,...
FYI First, the term Medical Redshirt. We all know what it means, but what we really meant to say is Medical Hardship Waiver, the correct NCAA...