i'm ridin this baby out from assumption parish!
talman gardner injured also...
darnit i can't go....i dont think anyways.....will be in grand isle w/ sum friends until sunday night or monday.....maybe i can sneak away.....
biological father? hahahah yeah right they do resemble though
1/2 of the stadium should wear red and yella and play like we're ronald mcdonald too... i'll be sporting mah purple n gold w/ mah LSU...
horrible news indeed....he was a great guy.....please pray for Johnnie and his family and remember #8 also....my prayers are w/ Johnnie T and the...
sounds great to me:geauxtige
hah thanks man
took the words out of my mouth...
can't wait...sorry i dont have the official countdown lol
one of my exes is her 1st cousin or sumthin like that and she went to new jersey with jennifer for the miss america thing......i got to meet the...
i believe we have a damn good one....
obviously not
i believe the draft is 50 rounds.....congrats to smitty...i just wish he woulda been back for his senior year....he did promise me the other day...
well idiot, i do think that the team got alot better as the season went on....we started winning more and more conference series and worked our...
well it would be a brilliant move.... detty pitches up to 5 IP tomorrow...then english, faircloth, whoever else would pitch in relief........
i believe meier is starting for us...and Tracz for them...i think it became official the other day:geauxtige LSU! :tigbas: :lsup:
well good luck and thanks for the good luck that you gave to us :geauxtige and geaux SEC, besides when any other SEC team plays our :lsup: :tigbas:
yeah, i think it could be a good decision too...starting smith would be a horrible decision....i can't wait...i got my tickets in today!