its very pathetic. its even more pathetic that they have to give tickets away in order to pack the house.
congrats on winning the sec. what else can you say its no small feat going thru this conference. it was done on a kentucky down year but never the...
what is sad is that taf has these tickets to offer for whatever reason they are doing it.
go ahead and spin it however you need to in order to make you feel good about it. bottom line is it should be a tough ticket to get and you could...
errrr. we had one of the best baseball programs. smoke will not sniff a title in omaha. hes on the brady one and done program. it is sad that...
i take it you think murray state would be a gimmie like a roll over and play dead for bradys bunch.
"elite 8 or possibly final 4" im on the night train i love that stuff
gimmie a break mcab. a coker team who was manhandled by ga tech a couple weeks before lsu stomped em. i hate when people use katrina as a crutch....
winning the west in basketball is no where near the feat of winning the west in football. impressive in basketball would be taking the title home...
i am going to go out on a limb and say lsu drops this one in double digits. vandy should not have been no where near this talented tiger team and...