Gee I was kind of hoping for something new and original not old stale material. ;) Ive heard all that a billion times over here. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Ooo now thats a gutsy prediction. What do I get if you are wrong??? I love a good prize, although in this case I think the sheer satisfaction of...
Ahh yes, sounds like the same reasons I dont go over there, they let WAY too much fighting go on. Its a waste of board space if you ask me....
Haha. You just cant appreciate true beauty. ;) Thats a lovely site. But why are the Bama fans mooing?? :D WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Gee you boys are so smart with that Photo Shop. I mean where do you find the time to lead a real life with all that photo-fixing going on?? ;)...
Its ok dhead, I understood what you were getting at. ;) Im still happy to have that ONE. You cant touch us in the pool. :D WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Oh this little Villian gal is having a great week, we get A-Day and our AD to resign all in one week. :) Maybe ammo was a bit much, I should...
I can understand your point of view, but thats why you bleed purple and gold and I bleed blue and orange. We did lose some key players on...
Sorry, I missed the one guy. And I completely ignore the corndog crap. I know where it came from but its stupid, so I ignore it. And the LSU...
He doesnt post over there cadillac, thats merely where he gets his ammo from. Isnt that right dhead? ;) WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
What do you mean what are we smoking?? I didnt read anything in those posts that sounded over-the-top. All sounded pretty level headed to me,...
Ive been around. :) WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Haha, I wouldnt call it a hit, Id call it a welcome step forward. Yes, maybe it is a few months late, but better late than never in this...
I dont think I have any more of a chip on my shoulder than any person who has an opinion and chooses to post it on the internet. But Ill keep...
My Jesus comment was all sarcasm, but it was a fun annalogy wasnt it? And yes my family does come before my AU loyalties, all except for the Bama...
Who said anything about jealousy? I might not always be happy about the way a season goes, or the administrations, or coaches decisions, but...
I was in NO way talking bad about your coach. Its obvious hes a good coach. Ive never said anything negative about him. And no Im not surprised...
I think his LSabanU comment was made to point out the way you guys talk about the man. I mean hello, there are days when you guys come across...
What is that your goal in life, to call us Baubie dolls until we tuck tail and run??? Sorry I dont think its going to work. But Im sure youll...
Well I can assure you that I dont look like the lady on the washing machine. :) WAR DAMN EAGLE!!