Its just very gray outside right now, if that tells you anything. But yes it definitely looks like it could rain. WAR EAGLE!!
The bands name wasnt Exile, it was The Exies. And there were actually no people from Jackass there, they were just showing clips from the new...
Ohhh and Im sure a good time will be had by all. The locals got a good jump on the weekend tonight. I passed them all at the bars on my way back...
Yea there are always scalpers outside, I dont usually see many of them though because Im a student and to get a good seat in the student section...
Nope Not the biggest game of the year for us. Close but not the biggest. We play Georgia as the last home game of the season. You cant ignore...
Theres a concert Friday night in Auburn if you are interested. Its Nappy Roots and Three Doors Down. It starts at 8 and tickets are $20. Just...
Ahhhh So we basically just took Ole Miss' spot since we inheritted their coach?? :) I knew it had to have been some time recently. Thanks...
From what I can tell Auburn is you guys' biggest rival, which up until this year I was unaware of. I always knew it was a big game, but I just...
haha Yea I know we are very few and far between. But I live for Saturdays during the fall. Im gonna miss it next year when I wont be in town...
Thanks for answering!! I was just curious. WAR EAGLE
And...... Im a girl not a guy! :D Who woulda thought a woman could talk so level headedly about football?? LOL! WAR EAGLE!!
Actually.............. That is my last name! :eek: Wow Im surprised you guessed it so easily. Sorry I stepped on your toes by posting a reply....
I wont get upset at the fact that you all HATE CTT because I know that it is your opinion of the man. But I have never seen him flick off...
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, but that wasnt really what I was looking for. Come on it was a serious question. I really would like to know. WAR EAGLE!!
It was one of the little ROTC hangers out there by where the RVs park. Im not sure if it burnt all the way to the ground, but I think it would be...