I tell you what would be a "miracle"....if Auburn lives up to the preseason hype thrown at them. I cant wait to inflict a skulldragging on the...
Here is the complete list. Pretty accurate in IMHO. http://www.collegefootballnews.com/2003/Columnists/RC/Coach_Rankings.htm
Well, if you must know.....They were talking about the size of their bowel movements....as in biggest one ever.
Pretty sad..... http://www.latechbbb.com/cgi-bin/newspro/fullnews.cgi?newsid1057773365,67983,
Sick... http://www.woopig.net/php/index.php?board=7;action=display;threadid=13778
Now thats funny...I think it should be linked on an Auburn board. Well, Im off to be banned!!!!:D
"Suspended indefinately" is Tubbyspeak for lets take a look at the schedule for cupcakes. Problem is, they start with USC. If he stays at...
TOP 10 REASONS IT'S EASY TO LAUGH AT AUBURN 10. Auburn went 1-7 in the SEC in 1998, fired their head coach half-way through the season, promise...
LOL...No, not planning anything. I came up with it during our Geauxrilla Ball days.
Oxfart..no questions asked. Starkghanifstan is the end of the earth. Plus, there is no cold beer there.
This just in..Rice now has more National Championships (1) than Ole Miss...LOLOLOL.
Bottom right corner of the page... http://www.athlonsports.com/
This doesnt lie..LOL http://www.theinformationminister.com/press.php?ID=612308219
This guy is such an ahole. I would love to get my hands on him....
I post on that same board under another handle, and unfortunately, I know both a$$clowns.
I doubt seriously this person is a Baylor fan. Probably a Toolame fan is sheeps clothing. Regardless, well deserving of an a$$ kicking....
The Barners are having a field day with this. http://pub214.ezboard.com/fauburnfrm2.showMessage?topicID=32792.topic
Last spotted on the Plains http://www.theinformationminister.com/press.php?ID=612195575
http://www.tiderinsider.com/forum/messages/508606.html They should leave the SEC because of other schools? Fuuny. How about the SEC kicks...
He was arrested in a trailer park..LOL. Classic Tubbyspeak.."I didnt know Damon that well." Didnt he play for you for 4 years? Maybe Duvals...