Actually the Saints DBs played pretty damn good this season.
Spurrier's offense blew in the NFL, but is dominant in college. Don't try and relate lack of success in the NFL to college it is pointless. Give...
Isn't Muschamp a UGA alum?
Too? Who else left?
I wasn't aware that No Limit Records ever didn't suck.
Kiffin probably makes more than Gundy does right now, why would he leave?
I just can't see that happening, not saying you're lying.
I'll believe that when I see it.
Les is already impressing me.
Hell no DiNardo was not hands off, he was too paranoid for that sort of thing.
I'm sure the lines are completely filled with hundreds of fans who just would like to say.... YOU SUCK JOHN BRADY.
I can kind of see where they would have UT ahead of us, but there is no way Florida should be ahead of us. They are really over-rating Urban...
Les will be fine as long as he brings in good coaches to surround him. Should be interesting to see who he brings in at OC. Hopefully someone who...
Saints got hosed man....If the Eagles weren't a bunch of bitches and fielded a half way decent team on MNF against the Rams the Saints are in....
Bye Bye Jimbo...I'm really going to miss your spectacular game plans, excellent halftime adjustments, and of course the great draw play...
Dude 57 teams get into a bowl game...Just getting into a bowl game doesn't mean crap.
Hey Skip you suuuuuuuck.
Jim Mora Jr is coaching a team with Vick on it....I think it is safe to say he's happy right where he is.
God I hope Bertman isn't planning on hiring A&M's trash.
Ok so a current HC in the NFL (Del Rio) isn't a big name, but a current NFL assitant is? WTF? Yea Barry Switzer good idea man...Thank God you...