Actually Evans may be quite accurate in his discription. My Uncle who was a lifelong contributor to LSU football and did many things for LSU...
Yes but he also said that the interception shouldn't have counted and Alabama should have had the ball on the 1 yard line.
Not so sure it is over. Perhaps from the NCAA standpoint but I thought I recalled seeing someplace that the feds may still be looking at this. If...
The Texans were pretty high on both Toliver and Holiday but with Toliver he got injured and was not on the field enough for them to get a good...
No respect and the fact that generations and generations of younger fans are basically raised on the notion that saying anything they want no...
Sure sounds like the announcers want the Ducks to come back and win this thing.
Chaulk one up for the Nicholls State Nazis. Sad state of affairs when my alma mater trades in a Southern Gentleman Mascot for what looks like an...
Hell just look at Nicholls State. They bowed to pressure and got rid of confederate mascot then replaced him with some chump that looks like...
One of the Raiders long time linemen said JR problem and failure was that he didn't have the mentality or couldn't grasp the pro game. Again...
Some of the pre draft discussions about him on sports radio saying he was pegged to possibly go late in the first round but after many of his team...
Today on the sports radio in Houston here they were talking to a coach (sorry don't remember his name). He was stating that word was Coach O was...
ESPN is saying that Tennesse has targeted Will Muschamp as priority number one for the Head Coach if he will accept it.
Roll Tide. Hell I ain't no Bama fan by any means but I hope they crush Texas so I can go into work tomorrow and look at all them UT SOB'S and...
Seems the whole lot of them has just not panned out. I don't know if its just bad luck, poor coaching, or what but seems we just can't catch a...
Yea I don't know but after watching this numerous times I don't think it was a spike call but his way of signaling and saying the player was down....
He is not demeaning JJ with that statement. Take your sunglasses off and step into the world of football. Look that entire series of plays was...
Don't you think instead of recruits what coach would want to come to LSU except for the money when they know LSU fans are ready to throw them out...
I wouldn't read it as he is saying its everyone's fault but his. I read it as he put the game in the quarterbacks hands and he didn't get it...
This was Les statement about the series of plays right before the spiking incident. "We talked about runs," Miles said. "I felt like the...
Yesterday there was a discussion on the 790 sports radio here in Houston about Mascots and how cool Mississippi States Mascot was and some others...