Anybody know where i can find a site with average attendance per home game for each year for all Div 1, or at least the top ones. I'd like to see...
Lol, Reggie Bush is a WR at the RB position. I can almost guarentee you that even if he keeps up his current rate of production (not a given. How...
Let me say this before i start. I would have no prob with Les Miles as our coach and would support him fully as long as he is coach here if he...
nope. You see, this is not a thread ment for the discussing of Coach Saban possibly leaving, this is a thread ment to call attention to a problem...
This is getting a bit out of hand. I know that the poossibilty of coach Saban leaving has everyone up in arms, but having EVERY SINGLE THREAD on...
i agree. Also i don't like how in football, a win-loss record is tagged to the QB. I mean how many games have we seen (especially here at LSU)...
I gues i should rephrase that then. Russel will be only QB on the roster who has acctually played some meaningfull snaps. The game was put in his...
nm. Double post.
Agreed. To write off Russel would be rediculous. He is a Freshman. I know we all wish he could have had a strong year this year and play like a...
I will admit that i was rooting for AU to win out and represent the SEC in the MNC game. I can put my hatred for AU and any other SEC team when it...
I feel so sorry for ND and it's fans. This couldn't happen to a more gratious and non-arrogant group of individuals :hihi: :lol: :rofl: I...
I have heard that he is a top canidate for the Illinois job.
HMMMMMN. I see ND backing out on us (Why not, everyone else has). I think Louisville or NC state would be a great OOC game. IMO we need to...
Just remember that if Doucet catches that pass that hit him in the numbers at the end of the AU game and we continue the drive then we may be...
I think that JR's progress was hamperd by injuruies to the O-line and young recivers dropping balls. That demolished his confidence. I will admit...
I think you are being a bit of an optimist as well. As you said we don't have the best shot of getting him. IF we get him i would think that he...
At QB......nada. His best shot is to convert to RB. I think he can do it.
Yea. RC would be a GREAT hire for the Saint's. He is a great Defensive mind and we always struggle there. It would make a lot of...
I think it has a lot to do with the facty that he is a Freshman with offensive line problems and a very young recievers (they do drop a lot of...
I have complete faith in our coaches. I fully expect Russell to improve by next year. I am not saying we should have blind faith in him. We should...