Your going to have to be a little more blunt with your humor next time. With all these mormons running around like it the end of the world,...
The "bulliten board " crap is overrated. Nobody really trys harder or focuses more because of a statement made by other coaches. Any player from...
Oh, whoops. I didn't even read the stupid article. I was just responding to the pointless bashing. [img] [img] Carry on then :hihi:
I am not saying that Bo knows more about defense than everybody in the world, i am just saying that he knows more about it than you or any other...
wrong thread BB? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Are you trying to tell me that you have coached at the collegiate level? Look, i know that some people here like to fancy themselves smarter than...
Now, this is a bump that I like. One with a point.
Re: Yes, but well to be honest neither do I. I usually do after reading a post like that first one though.
No you misread him. He said Tirks :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Know what i love about biassed reporters. It's their ability to completyly overlook key facts that derail their entire arguement that gives me...
we all know that JaMarcus will not get out of the pocket and run for it. I think that the best we can hope for him is for him to get better at...
I hope lit doesn't go to the Georgia dome. I hate that dome and the city it resides in. Hopefully the game can be held in TS. Edited- Wrong link last time. Got the right one now
I agree. I can't believe I left off Cutcliffe. He deff got a raw deal.
Note that i qualified that remark about 5 years. I am in no means saying that we should just accept mediocrety. I just don't want to fire a Coach...
They took it so that some idiot fan couldn't take it and use it for evil pourposes. Honestly, i liked Zook and felt that if he had been given the...
Updated. we got ND :thumb:
Re: Yes, but doesn't anyone look at the post date anymore? Tygrr , this thread is over 4 years old.
Wait, are you try to tell me that posting my opinion on a message board doesn't make me an expert on the subject? Does this mean that the posters...
Is that a statistic? :hihi: