Heard the same while driving to work on ESPN radio. Lou 'spit' H. wants media to vote USC as #1 and used 2003 as an argument that it has been done...
Thank you very much.
I am travelling today and don't have access to TV. Any sites where I can watch bowl games online? :geaux:
I read an article on SI (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writers/cory_mccartney/11/29/ohiost.georgia/index.html) where Georgia is mentioned...
Computers get it right for OU (0.55).
Auburn wins.
wow.. so now we get to hear OSU crap again on ESPN. Like last year was not enough.
Thanks for the tip. Had missed the live action. This play just pumped me up for tomorrow's game. Geaux tigers.
I haven't seen it but my wife saw it on TV here in Raleigh, NC. I think it is national.
Need a little help here.. So I downloaded uTorrent and then downloaded the MTSU game (Got 2*.mp4) files on my machine. What next? Tried to play...
After the way Nebraska "dominated" Wake Forest last week by THREE whole points, I think they will surely upset USuCk :confused: :lsup: Geaux...
Tenn Vs. Cal Not much of Tenn fan but will cheer any team that can show crAP10 their position
What is with these ESPN guys.. they are just out to down play us. Crappy comment... "... I believed they may loose a game some where down the line...
Nah.. don't get upset with the title. Just wanted to bring your attention :wink: Linky :...
Any challenges typing the real name, bitter? Are we still having a tough time writing the actual name that has been haunting since Sugar bowl. And...
Now really.. you gotta be kidding me. It's one thing to be optimistic but this just beats any sorta football logic.
Since we are talking about new tigers comings to this world.... I am in the same boat. Our second baby tiger is due on Nov 9. First one (18 month...
Howard S. from Florida Atlantic has LSU at 15!! . What a tool. Remind me where Florida Atlantic plays.. oh yeah.. can't remember :)
Did you ready the entire article? What he is saying (entire article) does make sense to me. See one of the quotes below "Miles said LSU — by...
After Florida's win today over FSU, all I am hearing on various ESPN channels by the self-declared "pundits" is that if Florida loses to pigs in...