Yes, I hope we dont hand them this game on fumbles....i'll be very angry SACK SACK SACK!!:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige:geauxtige
Im very agitated as well; there is no reason ark should have gained that much yardage on us there. At some point we need to plant them.
Lets not be pessimistic! Still a whole quarter!
Yes---we need to hold on to that damn ball!
Review it and PLEASE give it to us!
Agreed. Ole Miss outplayed us for 3 qtrs last weekend. Luckily, we are not letting Arkansas do so here!:geauxtige
I agree, this one will not be won by a landslide. Will most probably be FGs and extra points that determine this one. I hope not an Ole Miss...
Would have loved a TD there, but I won't quibble over a FG as long as our defense continues to execute.
Exactly, and if we can keep getting yardage like this, our margin of lead should widen:):)
Yes, lets make this LSU!21-12!!!
Exactly, clearly they must not have TVs in Arkansas, or they would surely not make jokes about Katrina. Truly disheartening to hear any American...
Yes, I have been very impressed with how classy they have played all this season.
I definitely wont anymore; that one just really steamed me!
Wow, I always thought Arkansas was the hub of classless-ness, now all doubt has been removed. Here is one of their "haikus." (By their own...
is that their home stadium....really outdated and small if you ask me its great
indeed, it's proving most entertaining!
ha, this was a good one from their forum: "Stuff them coonass frickers!"