Just heard on the news that the game will be in Arizona..... Dammit:mad:
And he looks like he enjoys placing balls b/w 2 long posts?!!?? :dis: :lol: :shock: :hihi: :eek: He'll split the "up-rights".
Last thing we need is to give ASU more of an edge..... Damn Katrina......damn that beotch. :mad:
Plus, factor in the traffic from the game all heading to Lafayette.....cuz aint no one goin' to n'awlins! :(
Good.....I need tickets! :hihi:
Screw ASU..... Tiger Stadium is not damaged and the construction has a damn good shot at being complete. Hopefully, the evacuees at the PMAC will...
Was it just me, or did Hawaii expose USC's defense in that first half? I mean, they still couldn't score & got whooped, but USC's Def looked porous.
You can stick all that BS you know where. The BCS is the only recognizable national championship in my book......not some damn Associated Press...
I still cringe when I hear the commentators say that USC is working on their 3rd consecutive national championship. :po: :angryfire :cuss:
You would...... Always trying to keep the white man down
Zook has the curse of the New Orleans Saints on his back......:cry: :dis: :bncry: :nope: :angry: :cuss: :angryfire :eek: :(
Was it Skip.......or one of his croonies??!?!?? Maybe you emailed Skip Bertrand.
Make it 4......I'm from Cut Off And the only reason THS would beat us that badly was b/c most of the 9th graders were 19 years old!! Most of...
The more I read this sentence, the more drunk I feel :cry:
OK so I screwed that one up......take the crowbar to my knees. :dis: I almost pulled the race card out on y'all.....then I realized I am...
and Arizona State fans believe that LSU is too scared to play them! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:...
We are also undefeated so far!!! :hihi:
Yeah, I heard Miles during the game..... And I agree. Watching this destruction in New Orleans 24 hours a day is starting to get depressing. I'm...
What luck.... Hope he can maintain that all year! :grin: