Overall impression: Pelini stinks.
Well, he can go ahead and lick....cuz his team wasn't that impressive either :yelwink2:
Yeah, cuz if he's injured, it might affect his ability to catch :hihi:
Not only is it the worst......but it was exactly as Pelini said.....SIMPLE! :( :cry: :sob: :cry: :redface: :) :hihi: :lol:
Miles looked like he had diarrhea on that sideline. He looked nervous as #&$%!!!! :dis:
Hell yes!!! :rofl:
I haven't seen a team dominate LSU! 's defense like this in a long time. This is a reality check for Pelini....or his job will be on the line....
not a chance.... so much for a simplified defense.
I agree...... This is the softest LSU! defense I have seen in a while.... I am totally disappointed. JR looks good, but the WR can't catch...
I'd LOVE to see ND knock off USC!!!!!!!! I'd love to see ANYONE beat USC....... But they'd probably retain #1 in the AP and go for their "3rd...
What idiots!!!!! They must have gotten that idea from Saints fans.
I was just kidding with the ND #2 comment.... But I think Weis is the real deal for the Irish! LSU! doesn't belong at #2.........WE BELONG AT...
That's why the girls LOVE him......b/c he's on that border of womanizer/pole smoker. I think that's "accepted" in California. :dis:
The AP is a strange, strange group of USC alumni... And Rudy Rutiger.
Good.......I like to see a breakdown in a team ranked higher than LSU! !!! The only problem is that if Notre Dame beats Michigan, the AP will...
Not overconfidence...... Just pride in our team. :tigerhead :geauxtige :tigerhead
You got that right! When LSU! wins today, I'll be curious what kinds of excuses all those ASU bandwagoneers will have. That Vegas line will be...
Yep......very classy on their part. I'm actually impressed.....considering some of the assinine fans that were saying LSU was making excuses not...
http://www.sportsline.com/collegefootball/story/8809703 No. 20 Arizona State, coming off a 63-16 home victory over Temple on Thursday night,...
I'm sure that they had NOOOO problem doing this!!! They need every advantage they can get on this explosive LSU team.....hopefully our guys won't...