LSU would look so stupid if the students rush the field. I mean c'mon kids, we are #1 in the country. Please don't rush the field you morons.
I know, it kills me. Here's the updated models as of 2pm. Looks good so far. [IMG]
From Jeff Master's Blog on Heavy thunderstorms are firing up over South Florida and the nearby waters, thanks to an...
My production has slowed a ton since football started. This week I will accomplish nothing.
Re: Flying in from Miami + 3 guests.....and legals I must say! You know I'll be there. Let's kill the gaytors and Tebow.
I don't see Tebow getting pulled. He'll play the whole game.
They will sell beer in the dome.
I don't see the big deal guys. I actually kinda like it. I wouldn't want it often but once a year is OK.
Very nice
I'm not making excuses, but if it's dry, we beat you bad.
I think they just wanna make the Florida game more exciting.
Will Arnold supposedly had a stomach virus.
I think they watch games inside the UL-L Union, you might wanna go there and check it out. :lol:
Thanks, we did it just for you. :hihi:
Re: LSU/South Carolina TV ?? They have not announced the game time yet. Good chance we'll both be undefeated.
NO, you have a whole week to do that.......NEXT WEEK!!!!
I think he goes, but I think it will be a bad decision. I hope he calls Saban, he'll tell him not to leave or he'll regret it.
You can bring this to the bank. The day Michigan calls, Miles is GONE!!!!