Yeah I think it is Forrer, if he is the kid from Florida. Yes, out recruits will be zapped by the draft, which will include Wall and Jones.
Tirk, if Thomas is let go before Wiederhold then that is an outrage. Ben McDonald could call pitches better than that guy.
JVincent I agree with most of your post. I think that Brandon Nall is going to get another year back last I heard. What about that stud pitcher...
We've simply been outrecruited by Tulane, Texas, Rice, Ole Miss, Alabama etc. And please don't use the draft excuse people.
Because that would require some level of objectivity which the homer cadre that infects this board lacks. I don't think the program is...
Wait, I thought that after the Marist game that Geauxrilla ball was back!!!!!
This time, do us a favor and stay gone or just lurk prick.
But it's okay when SabanFan calls somebody a !@#$ing idiot right LSUGradIn99?
What's wrong SabanBaby, mommy didn't love you enough? Maybe you should get your wife/sister to warm you up some milk to make you feel better....
Man, could you be anymore juvenile? It's first thing in the morning and lets say the engine hasn't warmed up yet.
Kteam, I tend to agree it was the only move. However, I do think he could of started Eric English against NSU and got similar, if not better,...
What is the point of this thread when the season is still going on? There is the rest of the summer for hypothetical potential coaching change...
Nowhere did I say he was obligated to play in the Olympics. You're right, it's not that big of a deal to him, nor to you. Your last sentence...
2-run jack. 3-2 fearsome powerhouse NW St. over LSU kittens.
another DP. 2-1 LSU living dangerously.
After a double play and another force out, Mesty gets out fo the jam. It's time for the Tigers to show the energy and chase this freshman NWSt....
OMG, the ball that Jordan Mayer hit to the outfield was clearly trapped by the CFer and the ump blew another call.
Yes the call against RP was questionable, but other mroe stupid and important things happened in the game that caused us to lose. One major...
I can't believe I have to even argue this point. First, I think we have established Shaq is a man that is not about the money. He has more...
classic Tirk :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Sourdough, I guess I take for granted people still want to represent this country and consider it an...