saban won with Shula players. He could recruit but he couldn't coach coaches.
They will not move the ball that well. It would be more like a 33 yd return to the house.
They would have to cover a 6'-5" wide and a 6'-3"(maybe 4") wide. Both have very good speed.
They report 7 starters on defense in trouble, Burney and brown already kicked off the team. It has been reported that 9 players have been...
I read that Charles Brown and Kendrick Burney have been kicked off the team and 4 D starters maybe left by end of next week.
Haven't needed photoshop to bring him back.;)
Not me. I feel we are going to come out of the gate and make a strong statement in this game.:thumb:
I heard that so many times in boot that it is a mainstay.
You posted something that the person who wrote it doesn't have the balls to back with his name. He'd probably ph..k someone in the a$$ and not...
No fair catches...
yep, there is 7 vials of sugar in a can of soda, unless it is a diet soda.
Opponents is 4.4 and LSU gained 18.9
My thoughts too.
I was there for the game and it was a hot day in Baton Rouge. I stayed in my seat and enjoyed the down pour. The game was bad - real bad. LSU...
Who was the Coach?
The only thing they can't measure is HEART. Hester had HEART and became a hell of a good player and Carter didn't. He was just fast. That is...
Maybe I need some glasses, as they all look good to me. Have I reached the age where young birds are all good looking? Naw, I still see some...
I don't think they have the cash. The guys they traded for before deadline really cash strapped them.
Bailey, Bailey, Bailey... oooohhh, wrong sport.
I'll take one of each.