Please tell me what road you think I'm going down. It might help you if you read my original post on this topic.
I would suggest you try a different method.
What exactly do you mean?
I agree. So what's the solution? Do we just accept that people with severe mental problems have open access to assault type weapons?
At last some common sense enters the discussion. Thanks.
I don't think I need an assault weapon to protect my house. Do you own one to protect yours?
So much for the thought of having a reasonable discussion.
Where did I say I would make the decision for you?
@Winston1 The board shows you are online. Surely you have an opinion on this topic.
Because they are capable of deranged individuals committing mass murders like we saw in Boulder yesterday.
I understand that people are the problem. But explain to me why it is necessary for the average citizen to possess an assault type weapon.
I would prefer a reasonable discussion versus an argument. But, considering who I responded to . . . .
First off, let me say I am pro 2nd amendment. I grew up hunting and have a pistol in my house that I would use for self defense if necessary....
I do for posts that I make. I don't for posts that you make. ETA: And you post a link that's 9 months old.
How many of the rest of the guys are being investigated by the NCAA?
I don't think that at all. I try and look at things objectively rather than thru Purple & Gold glasses.
Refresh my memory. How far did you have us going in the tournament?
Damn. USC is beating the sh*t out of Kansas. No big deal. My bracket is toast anyway.
Are you wearing your poncho? :D