It's not about time in office. It's about functioning brain cells.
You think it's bad now? Just wait. How many soon to be terrorists do you think are entering the USA via our exposed Southern border?
But he's a very, very rich idiot. :D
Yes they are. Purple & gold.
Are you saying you've never played a match play Nassau in your weekend foursome?
I think it's up to each player to compute and post their own scores.
Are you saying I'm too damn sensitive and a crybaby?
So you are in favor of easy access to assault weapons to people like the wacko that killed 10 people in Boulder?
I obviously didn't think of the medical privacy issues. Thanks for pointing it out. This is a very complex issue and one that probably won't be...
Provide the link where I said I wanted to ban AR-15s.
Elaborate on how it is anti constitution. So are you for selling assault weapons to anyone without any type of background check?
Something you wouldn't understand.
I wouldn't call any of your posts challenging. Rumbling, bumbling, and stumbling, definitely.
I'll leave that for you to decide.
You're very proficient at that.
I'll leave that to the experts to decide.
If I know nothing, that's a hell of a lot more than you claim to know.
I would use a PW. Aim for the left ear and hit him dead center of the forehead.
Hard for me to say. Excluding military service, I don't know that I've fired a semi automatic rifle. As a kid I fired bolt action rifles. What...
Then I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. If assault type weapons aren't banned, then severe restrictions need to be applied to their...