You're one of the main reasons this site would be shut down. You haven't posted an intelligent post yet. You talk a mean game but you're nothing...
So, just because I don't agree with you means I don't get it. So much for a civil discussion. No wonder this place is bursting with activity.
Thank God the "fans" don't determine either.
It happens to all coaches in high level positions. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.
There are a lot of baseball know it alls on this board. What's funny is that they couldn't manage a little league team to a winning record.
If you know so much about the technical parts of the game why aren't you managing a MLB team?
So you & others have given up on the LSU baseball program because you don't like the coach? The players bear the majority of the responsibility...
Is this a LSU sports board? LSU beat Bama 2 - 1 tonight & not one single post. Pull the plug.
When did you reach that conclusion?
Can't handle the truth. I'm not surprised.
LSU lost to AU 2 - 1. Our one run came off 2 hits. It's all Paul's fault.
Anybody suffer any after effects after either shot. I got the 2nd shot Tuesday. I was fine for 24 hours. But I woke up this AM feeling like shit.
He went out & got one because the former one left.
And you're one of the main reasons why.
You've written some dumb things, but this one tops the list.
I didn't watch the game.