"Chance of rain... NEVER" Chuck :tigerhead
I got run over by Brian Mitchell in a game. :shock: Chuck :tigerhead
:hihi: :hihi:
http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/poll?poll=Harris How about this? Miami, previously number 10, lost to previously number 27 Fla. State, yet managed...
We've picked Tennessee as the group roadtrip game. The atmosphere, the town, the setting (the stadium sucks though), the people, the tailgating,...
As the person who started the Missing Tiger Rag, let me get this straight. The band played NOTHING on their walk down the street to the stadium?...
Re: Eye of the Storm I missed the last 10 minutes because of the runover, but Tivo's scheduler for DirectTV has no less then 10 more showings...
"Hello Nice Lady" "Gimme a diablo sammich and a docta peppa, and make it quick, Im in a god d**ned hurry!" Chuck :tigerhead
See my post from last year. Yet another ND suckfest by ESPN. http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?p=397726#post397726 Chuck :tigerhead
Its about when the clock starts at different times in the game, intended to quicken the games pace. Here's a link to a few of the changes,...
Apparently the point is moot Red. The song wont be played either way, with or without a**hole. So I guess now, we'll never know if the student...
Jim Hawthorne mentioned what a wonderful walking advertisement for Lasik surgey Dwayne Bowe is. Nice to see no dropped passes. Now we can get...
According to 2 followups to the article in the opinion's section, you're correct. It was suggested that it started around the time of the East...
Sweet... Chuck :geauxtige
Whoa Nelly! I got a boner for USC! -- Keith Jackson Chuck :geauxtige
Kinda like how 'Bama kept winning games by a field goal with less then a minute to play 3 times this year? Not too impressive if you ask me,...
About 5 rows behind the band.. screaming my head off! Chuck :geauxtige
Not to sound like a broken record, but they were tied with Notre Dame for the most consecutive losses in bowl appearances. Chuck :geauxtige
Not to sound bitter, but this is the EXACT crap Im talking about. If their legend is so great, let them make money off of the television rights...