Texas has done it.
Thanks for the update.
I looked around and did not see anything. Don't kill me if this is somewhere else. I am sitting here waiting for my email about Final 4 tickets...
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :thumb:
It is great to be a Tiger fan in Texas. Thank you, Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, how sweet it is!!!! I ran down my street w/my flag screaming. My neighbors hate me!!
Hey, Katt. You got that flag ready for the bar!
Ah, the bandwagon fans. Everybody has jumped on board in Texas. They are a joke!!
I agree. By the way, the Duke victory earned him a lot of $ when Bertman offers the new contract.
Katt, I laughed out loud at that. That is why I love college sports!!!!
I have lived in Texas for about 5 years now. Prior to that, I had lived my whole life in the great state of Louisiana. There are many things I...
Fla fans have always been class less sporting there muscle tees and mullets!!
I really enjoyed reading about some other Tigers that are stuck in Texas. It would have been a week from hell if aTm would have won this game....
It appears they called for the 3 for the win. That is about the only thing I got out of it.
Any way to see the press conference outside the Geaux Zone?
The way I understand it is that he was playing BB as a kid and was crying about something. They told him to quit being a big baby. Therefore,...
My vote is in. Looks like a big lead this morning. Geaux Tigers!!!!
I got 2. I have 4 seasons tickets. I have been a TAF member for about 5 years. I have had my season tickets for 2 years. I requested 4....