JR = 448 Bowe = 278 Pittman = 30 754
JR = 508 KW = 231 Holliday = 38 Favorite = 30 807
Bowe = 464 Davis = 163 C. Jackson = 36 663
Thank you, great post. The reason JR is getting hugs from both coaches is because every ahole in Tigertown is on his a@#. Is he perfect, no....
Thank you lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and every player on that team. You made me proud!!!!
Interesting world. I was watching that special this morning. I was thinking about buying a DVD recorder to go along w/my Directv tivo. I would...
I can give you an example of someone who I think is not a fan. I am in Dallas w/my wife for some time away from the kids. We go to the Texas...
I agree. Great sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you watch with a crowd or alone? I have moved to the alone side as I really can't stand when people don't pay attention or say something...
Since when is beating, a top 5 Alabama on the road, Fla and Auburn in 05 not winning big games? How quickly everyone forgets that Miles is the...
Jr 334 Bowe 98 david 0 dorsey 30 jackson 30 492
Those 2 teams are terrible.
One of my game day traditions is to go to Louie's for breakfast. It is a must that I have my purple and gold grits. I usually get there before...
I was sitting at the game w/my brother and said he is going to miss it. We call the 05 LSU/Auburn game the Doink game. When he missed, we both...
Cadillac, I had the pleasure of being Auburn this weekend. Thanks to all the Auburn fans for the great hospitality.
JR = 295 JV = 46 Dorsey = 45 386 Back down the earth.
I just got back from Auburm. We lost. That sucked but I have never been treated so well than I was at this game. Of course I got about 30 war...
Heading out at 10am. I can not wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I watched that dismal game between Arizona and BYU, I didn't see a Glenn Dorsey out there. Your o-line and QB better watch out.
I about feel down on my knees over the intro. I can't quote it completely but things like football in the south, football is king, the castle on...