They are making a big deal out of it, because if USC wins they will have a share of the national championship. They will most likely be voted...
Michigan and Ohio State is considered the de facto Big Ten Championship game, so expect OSU if it wins to get a boost in the human polls. Don't...
Well, ULM is the worst team in the country and playing a 1-AA school certaintly didn't help and Arizona happens to be a very bad team. Throw in...
I don't know if LSU would do this, I know some big ten schools will charge more for a marque opponent, at least one team per year. If you...
At the very least, LSU should not play D1-AA schools, which Southern is. Playing the instate schools is a no-win situation. If you win, you get...
It was the third game with a new coach and new system. Smoker got hurt in the game. MSU missed three field goals. The second stringer qb--Damon...
LaTech got lucky vs. Michigan State. First, Smoker got hurt and second they recovered an onside kick that bounced off of a MSU special teams...