That’s a lot of loading
You do realize everyone thinks the digital cards are stupid, right? You keep bringing up this insurrection, but there’s no evidence other than...
Look at you. Being hostile right now. For shame.
I get it. Folks don’t like trump. He’s an arrogant asshole. But there are actual forces actually damaging our country. But this is what we...
When you look at the argument of limiting magazine sizes, all you’re hearing is that the government says people who will use guns to murder others...
As disturbed as you are about January 6 and the end result of I guess luck that even though you think trump woke up and masterminded a takeover at...
I’m trying to understand this correctly. So because you didn’t change Shane’s mind, you’re gonna go? Seems unreasonable
Haha he came and took them
Shot placement. Even the weight of the bullet had to be accounted for. It’s also not about blowing a deer to pieces when hunting. Weight and...
Onky M1s and little girls hair have clips
And for keeping your beautiful hair out of your face
It may sound silly, but, to me, the punishment of gun crimes should be stiff. I also figured there would be a massive tax implemented for...
The old woodsmaster 30-06 is quite capable of doing some serious damage. But then again, so is a .44 mag
All these things spread by Twitter users, by the one person who claims to not use Twitter
But what was the reason?
What was the reason for the ban?
For someone who cries hypocrite at every turn, his posts sure don’t age well
Nope. but you already knew that.
He outwits you quite a bit. I hate when you go into hiding with him. It’s entertaining to see. But yeah, getting caught making up stuff is a...
I’m assuming that’s why you don’t post links to these silly goose claims you make, silly goose.