Rex is doing that thing a woman does when she’s trying to hold on to being right in an argument she started and is losing.
Im not sure why you’re calling me names, I guess because i was right.
It’s exhausting
No he didn’t. Not only does that video show it, but you also know it in the entire context. You can type on this forum that you don’t know...
What exactly do you have a problem with there? The fact that trump was saying some mom and pops that didn’t want a statue changed and a park...
Is a word different? Are you arguing semantics?
The bottom line is, everyone knows what he was saying. But to cherry pick one statement because you “gotta get” trump is just part of the mission...
Trump condemned white nationalists and such. You’re reaching.
There’s also the one that loves to be pushed about him calling all Mexicans rapists
Except I don’t watch any of that. But thank you for projecting
Serious question about your show…. Are they getting actual testimony, or is there a good bit of hearsay? Because if they are showing evidence...
I don’t have cable, but I have the internet. You’re missing the forest for the trees. Hunter isn’t the issue. I mean, yeah, he is, but if you...
Or he ignores it and says it’s because you’re ignorant
I guess what I’m getting at, is jail isn’t much of a deterrent for a career criminal. But, we agree on the part of they should be inside and not out
Jail is a lifestyle to some people.
We live in a sketch comedy show
Like I said before, it’s a political tactic. “I hate trump, so should you, vote for me”.
It’s really hard to answer. When the risk outweighs the punishment, you don’t really fear it anymore. Maybe Russian prisons are the way we...
Hunter Biden, the son of our nation’s leader, goes on television and brags and laughs about being a crackhead. That’s fantastic PR work. And I...
If that were true, this would’ve died out a while back. I think there’s a plan to try and charge him. But, and this is my opinion, if the DOJ...