This is from a liberal website or at least a Bush Bashing network.... I find it quite interesting that Governor Blanko and Mayor Nagin are still...
A little perspective on the situation here. I love it how the democrats and certain other people at this forum don't think their side has any...
I guess they must be over here to stir the pot a little. :redface: They must be loving this! :cry: :geauxtige :crystal: LSU! We still...
Let's see... I hear show after show from the Democrats about Bush being a Uniter and not a divider then some of the same people won't vote for... I am totally disgusted by some...
I heard and have read that the PMAC has refugees inside. Does anyone know how long they will be there, maybe its just a staging ground to send...
I hate to make another thread but here goes... What is in store for the future of New Orleans? Should it be relocated? Should it be raised?...
I was just curious why they couldn't already drop rations and supplies for the people in New Orleans especially the police, woman and children?...
I couldn't believe what I witnessed on Fox News last nite. Did anyone else see this? They showed some people who really looked like thugs with...
Matt Mauck threw a 92 yd td pass tonight, it was a 5 yard slant on the left side of the field, the wr broke a tackle and was ggggone! Matt is...,2933,165268,00.html I found a link other than fox news for the Liberals...,2933,163450,00.html
Nevermind the Karl Rove thead and mess that this country is tangled around. Does anyone remember about the London Bombing that happened a few...,2933,159844,00.html Should Gitmo be closed? If you ask me, with friends like these who needs enemies?