LOL, talking about a horrible ruling. The Genevia convention applies to countries and not renegade people from various countries that kill...,2933,199757,00.html Looks like the Democrats and others are starting to look pretty bad mainly the anti-Iraq war...
Did anyone see the coalition news conference this morning? At the news briefing this morning the soldier announcing about operations in Iraq...,2933,199241,00.html Democrats have failed once again. This president is so dumb but yet he is able to run...
Or just a cat with 9 lives? Or Evil? Evil seems to always evade death? Somehow I think this guy could sink the titanic and be the only survivor,... :shock: Scared:dis: :eek:,2933,190745,00.html Like I've stated on the other thread, we have no good leaders in government. There is a... Be Happy, someone noticed!:bball: Hell, look how close we came to beating some of...
I have heard the debate long enough! They say that we can't round up how ever many illegals there are in the country well I know the perfect way...
What happened to that thread? Can someone also find me one on how good the ACC was this year! :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Send them some LSU...
Tennessee has beaten Florida twice this year. Those that follow the east closer than myself, how exactly did Tennessee beat Florida twice,...
After rewatching the our offense during the Auburn game today. I didn't have time to watch the whole game yet with a toddler and an infant in...
Most of you guys are missing the point here... People were skeptical of Saban his first few years at LSU. They weren't sure he could be...
Most likely have played thier last game in New Orleans. The team will either be in SA or LA.
Check out these stories, it goes along to tell the other side of the story that the anti-Bush, anti-Republican people don't want you to see....
I don't know how good Florida is but I'm very excited about the character of this football team. 1) the way we won the ASU game 2) the way we...
Watching the OU vs Texas game listening to this guy. I didn't know the QB could rotate. He said something else earlier questionable. Talking...
I actually thought about this as that NC hurricane got close to NYC. This is an interesting scenario to me, sounds like a movie. Can you imagine...
This is just plain stupid! :bncry:,2933,171418,00.html
SC has already used 2 timeouts with 14:47 in the 1st half!