,2933,258181,00.html Yet again intolerance from those that are suppose to be tolerant.
Just wondering what happened to the Liberal flamer and blamer? Just my luck!:dis: Its been a tough few weeks for myself!:nope:,2933,254599,00.html I find this rather interesting. I've seen many documentaries in the past about the...,2933,254439,00.html He was only 24 years old!:bncry: "Nash collapsed shortly after participating in a charity... Very sad to hear this. It makes me for one feel more vulnerable since I am starting to become middle aged. Now what do you think?
This is suppose to be half serious and half attempt at sick humor. How would you like to live in a country like this? Remember China is our...,2933,248230,00.html Do you guys support Military action against Iran for their actions and support of... Its funny how Liberals preach tolerance and are intolerant of others. They stand for free speech for gays and...
LSU plays Arkansas today and I simply can't believe that the game isn't listed anywhere on ESPN Fullcourt. A few years back when Bama made the...
With the news today that China has blown up a satellite. I think that this means that our smart bombs become dumb bombs if China or another...,2933,244761,00.html
Are you getting the football blues?:lol: I wanted to let everyone know that NFL network is showing past Superbowls. entire games as they...
I don't know who's playing worse today? Payton Manning and his 3 turnovers or the Chiefs not taking advantage of it losing 9-0? Congratulations Tiger fans! LSU is 8-2 in the last 10 bowl games! ND has lost 9 bowl games, 2 by LSU!
What a disaster the Miami Dolphins now are? Sounds like they could be worse off now than when Saban arrived? Is there a chance they could get...
I was hoping this would end with Saban staying at Miami and all of this hype ending but instead it has only begun. We all want it to end but it...
Thought I'd wish everyone a happy New Year and that this year will be your best year ever. Geaux Tigersss:grin:,2933,237857,00.html Inspector General Says Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger Hid Classified Docs...