The BIG LEAST!! is nothing now with West Virginia as their best team to offer I hope we get an at large bid from another team instead of those...
Ole Dandy Don is probably on of the most dedicated LSU fans out there, he gives you a long article every day but sometimes it may be boring but...
Im not dissapointed at all, before the year started there were many questions needing to be answered like new coaching situation, quarterback...
I like the purple jerseys better! I wish they would wear them all the time but the white jerseys are TRADITIONAL! (Which is what LSU is all about!)
Good post!! I'm sure that he is still having nightmares of the tiger "D" in 2004! He is just gonna get pulverized out there! :hihi:
I also agree in 2003 I thought they just got lucky because of their weak schedule. The only reason why I still might have a little hate for...
The media is always compairing those who have had recent success to those who have already had great success Ex: Lebron James to Michael Jordan,...
Yeah kinda feel bad for those guys! Season seems like it is really going down the tubes. :dis:
LSU 21 Alabama 7