I think you're wrong. Period. The inconsistent play by these teams were against SEC teams. They were "handed" games? You sound alot like Ohio...
For the record: Pitt would KILL PSU. You know it, I know it. Most all Pennsylvania football fans know it. I don't think PSU is a bad team. I...
WHY??? It's one of our Nat'l Championship rings won by the team I love. Need I say more? [ATTACH]
I REALLY want it. I'm trying HARD to talk myself into buying it. It's Alot of duckets. But,,,,I WANT it. I'm thinking maybe I should buy it. It...
Very few people can pull of wearing a purple suit and still look good. I think you need to go for the 70's vibe, here's a suggestion. I think I...
As an LSU lifelong, diehard, never despair, fan,,,,,,here's the Pennsylvania take on the game. PennState fans KNOW, at least all that I've talked...
Shame on you man. You're just jealous at how many cuties wanna polish his balls.
In my opinion, we still have fake refs running on the field and making bad calls. Crap, just look at the LSU/Fl game this year, or the LSU/Al...
You're absolutely correct. We can't win it all every year. And I'm SICK of the azzole haters that post on here. I'm getting to the point where I...
All in fun, man. If that's a picture of you in your avatar, I kinda doubt you'd geaux that way. You just don't look the part.
Looks like I'm gonna have to take off my LSU Football plates on the front of my car. Come to think of it, I think I'll leave it on. We'll spank...
Now that the National Championship game has been played (Alabama vs. Fl), I'm really looking forward to our chances next year. No more Teblow to...
"Huge hands and firmly built". Dude,,,,,,you sound a little light on your feet. Not that there's anything wrong with that. You know what they say,...
You believe TCU is the best team in the nation? The best 2 teams played each other last night. It may not have been billed as the NC game but...
That's the one. Thanks dude. Tomorrow, this will be featured on my left shoulder.
VERY cool. Can you make the GEAUX a little smaller??? Much Thanx!
I need help. I want to get the LSU "eye" as a tattoo. I would like to put the phrase "geaux" underneath the eye. Can someone help me out and make...
[ATTACH] .......if the playoffs started today. I like our chances.
I'm a little surprised that noone has mentioned Devry Henderson. He had a helluva game. Makes me proud of the LSU grads.