I know. I was too. Or maybe I drank too much. I'll have another beer and think about it:lol: :lol: :lol:
Bring back Smoke? The next time you get sloppy drunk on Good Friday go to sleep instead of posting rubish in a drunken stupor. Give Coach M. a...
Brady has worn out his welcome, thanks for participating we have some lovely parting gifts for you. Maybe we can rehire Pokey to coach the men....
Many of these issues being discussed come with having a successful program. Be happy that LSU is once again one of the elite programs and take the...
I'm assuming he will, but if he doesn't we'll gladly take him back.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Thank You J.Russell, L.Landry, G.Dorsey, and D.Bowe for all the great memories. You all have made a lasting impression on the program and I wish...
LSU doesn't need to tell recruits anything about how f'd up the "other guy" (NS) is. The NATIONAL SPORTS MEDIA and MANY HIGHLY RESPECTED COACHES...
I've always been a Saban supporter until now. I'm very gratefull for what he did for LSU.(NC,SEC,New Facilities, Stadium Expansion Football and...
It's pretty chicken sh** to fire a guy who took over a program on probation an did a respectable job, then kick him to the curb for something...
And you better worry about 10:01 am tommorrow when you still don't have a head coach. The idiots that run the Alabama insane asylum should have...
Re: So Saban now wants more time... If a school invokes the "Saban Clause" what are they going to do when the team starts sucking azz and...
Re: Put info "relevant to" Saban HERE If he takes the Bama job something is going on that has not been made public. I think its more than money...
Re: Put info "relevant to" Saban HERE Contracts are a two way street. The coach always takes the hit in the public eye but you can bet the...
Re: Put info "relevant to" Saban HERE I will be very suprised if Saban takes the Bama job. He has always wanted to be an NFL HC. He currently has...
The only thing I will say about Saban is that he left our program a hell of a lot better than he found it. He put LSU back on the map as a...
Especially if Oklahoma goes home with blue streaks all over there buttocks:lol: :lol: :lol:
If they are going to stick with the Bull****CS system they should shake up the bowls. They should have a pickem based on BCS standings for each...
If USC and Florida won we still should have played Michigan in the Rose. Florida would never have jumped USC in the polls which would have put the...
I'm excited about the Sugar Bowl possibility. Its definately not chopped liver. I just hope for someone other than Notre Dame. If they didn't have...
I just hope we are put in a situation where we can really make a "statement". I was really excited last year when we were given the opportunity to...