We've got as much talent as anyone, but this is just not a well coached team. I watched the Clemson v Maryland game and saw some poise and...
I'm sort of watching the Neb vs. Okie St. game. This kid Perrish Cox who as I recall committed to us early last year and then went to Ok St looks...
Don't read this as a defense of Miles as I personally never had much confidence in him as our hire, but throwing money at the head coach position...
What I see missing is in Miles is that competitive fire that drives high performers in every profession to be the best every time they engage. I...
at least we won the 4th qtr. Just kidding. Maybe the admins should change the page header since a championship is out of reach.
Try to remember those happy thoughts and you'll have a better week ahead. Congrats to you and your boy.
I think we're running to keep the clock moving to hold the score down.
We're getting Zooked by Miles!
This is a collapse of epic proportion - similar to what Les oversaw while at Okie St vs. Texas.
What fine institution can lay claim to your allegience?
Way to go Hawgs! Let's git 'er done, Tigers!
Well, it may move USC to #2 in the polls but we shouldn't care. I doubt seriously if it will affect other SEC teams negatively in the polls. If...
Is it possible to send an email to the coaching staff to alert them to a player? I saw a kid at the game I went to last night that should be...
Most analysts expected Miami to contend with NE for their division after closing last season with however many wins in a row they reeled off....
I think this is a non-issue. The coaches have already adjusted their approach offensively if the Miss St game is any indication. From what I saw...
Aargghhhh! I only get the dreaded little red x in the top left corner of where the pics should be. Any knowledgeable PC types out there who...
Thanks guys for the quick response - I'm trying to overwhelm into an Aubie defender and needed more ammo.
just before half? I'm sure it's been posted somewhere else I just can't locate it. Thanks in advance.
We didn't need a neutral field, just neutral referees.
Unless he has skills playing guard, NO. Russell played far from a perfect game. He needs to have a better grasp of the game situation at all...