Add Smith to that list of probs.
Hogz done, time of death 1:47PM CST
Stewart and Moss are gonna be a prob for this LSU D. Pray MJ is still upright to give our D some presents come Nov.
Same thoughts. Looks like its mostly line pressure but lassie DBs stick with their man.
Beat the KoD, LOL
Looks like Hogs are gonna get smoked by lassies. Haveny been watchin but looks like KY is goin in dry on the jorts.
They apparently dont have the coaching or discipline to play zone either. This has been going on since last year. The definition of insanity......
@LSUTiga was on a roll yesterday. Started prob dozen threads. Our own tigabot.
Cant wait to see how fast that bandwagon empties.
Domers go down on suckeyes. Also, why does Ryan Day look like he spends everyday redfishing?
As it stands, not likin our odds against gumps or even piss.
2nd I think
Only cuz titboss did it first. Also, halmark of #milesball
Wheres that TE?
As in Im not surprised with the lack of discipline given lack of coaching.
Party like its Lesteryear
Talking about DBs consitently letting guys pass them and House doea nothing to fix. BK lets it ride. Not a 1 game, 1 play observation.