My sentiments exactly.
Eugene was the safety on both.
The stands only appeared to be filled to maybe 80% and made a difference in the first half. I can understand why many left at halftime. I...
Fair enough analysis. I just disagree.
Hill is transferring to UGA?
There's your sack folks.
Marshall is down 8 to VTech going into the bottom of the third overtime.
Stop getting my hopes up.
Gumps. Oh wait, you did put the qualifier "in their fucking right minds". We all know that eliminates them.
I wonder if the Dodgers would have done this if they had clinched the division on Wednesday instead. Last night's game would have been interesting...
The Towson game last year comes to mind as being on one end of that spectrum.
He changed his stance on circumcision. On everything else, he seemed to remain steadfast.
Too many bettors taking the underdog and the points. The oddsmakers don't gamble, they even the bets and collect their percentages.
That should be "well I'll be darned" or preferably "well I'll be damned".
The way the rest of the world says Bat-TAWN Rooge is even worse. I always like the way the brothers in Hammond pronounce it Ba-ten RUdGa.
Are you certain of that? Are you sure that he ever did? Is this a good or a bad thing? You use the word glorious in reference to football? That's...
If one has an emotional investment in a game, only a fool would make a wager on that game.
This thread has been a piece of shit thread from the start. Smilo started off with a cut and paste post from another site and it has gone downhill...
Tell me this is sarcastic humor, meant to lighten the mood in this thread.
The over/under on this game was 62.5 points. The next time someone tries to run some bullshit about how the Vegas oddsmakers are paid to know, you...