As far as refurbishing is concerned, there is not a lot you can do. Your limited to cleaning and protecting, as described above.
Yeah, but it's the difference between a player's flat footed reach and their reach when they apply all the hop they have in them is how vertical...
I think Landry will prove to be a steal, no matter when he is picked.
This explains how they are missing procedure and motion penalties.
Way too long, didn't even think about reading past your first sentence disclaimer, but I think you're right. Keep up the good work.
What clinic?
Those darned toothless junkies, fuck it up for everybody.
It becomes everyone's business, when a junkie is no longer productive and becomes a burden on society.
Not just north Louisiana, Evangel to be specific.
The threshold for felony possession in Florida is 20 grams or more. When you have 10 times that amount under the front seat in multiple bags, that...
Why are there signs in the first place? Is it no longer common knowledge that, you're not supposed to bring guns to school?
WTF? Seriously doubt anyone from another country would be offended, given the opportunity many would join the celebration. Most of them come here...
Growing cotton isn't cheap. I still doubt the farmer that plants can put more money in his pocket at the end of the year. Throw in the potential...
I could argue for or against government subsides to farmers, but this is not good beyond paying someone to essentially do nothing. First, they are...
This paragraph from the link in the OP is for everyone that has never been to Scooba, MS. Anyone who has ever been there, knew this before Lorenzo...
Those of us that thought he had no business declaring early, look pretty stupid now. I can't think of a better person to prove me (us) wrong. Good...
If you want to talk all-time, then the conversation is not complete without mentioning Sewanee aka The University of the South. In 1899 they went...
Also worth noting, is if even one of these three makes it to the point that they are the go to guy, he'll be the exception rather than rule.
You think he reads books? You might catch him coloring in a book, but not reading.
I don't even think that Albertsons was there at the time. Regardless his mom was a BR cop working an off duty security detail at a grocery store...