Billy Gonzalez. Although I was wondering what ever happen to Norm Chow? I know he left from USuCk but I kind of lost track of him. That would...
Like he said off season sucks. This might be the 2nd time I have ever pulled for the freaking horns. No matter how futile it might be. Not a...
This is a good point, and I have to admit though my seeing red last night I didn't think about this. I'm still pissed about the amount of 3rd and...
Doesn't help that our Oline can open up a hole to save their lives.
Good point I thought I should give him the benefit of the doubt, I guess I was give him to much credit.
Dude just a little classless. Dont kick some one when they are down. How would you feel if you guys get beat by texas and we came talking...
No disciple on this team. No identity on this team. I put that on coaching as well.
Great point! I think we touched their QB once tonight? Amazing.
Good post. What is really scary is when does $hitty coaching like this starts to hurt recruiting? I have been saying it for a while now I think...
Congrats to you guys first of all. However I do believe that talent wise across the board we have penn st. beat hands down. (you might not agree...
I've said this on other threads but the thing that bothers me about how we played D today was the many many 3rd and long that we had them in and...
I agree 100%.
Plenty of blame to go around. WR don't get a pass. Overall we were embaressing.
Actually we are still stuck with Stud (oline coach). And I disagree about the creator of the game not being around until now to "kick us when we...
I disagree he is speaking his mind about the state of this team. He is discussing which you do on a discussion board. I think it is perfectly fine...
I agree 1000000000000%. This is what piss me off about CLM.
Well this was something I said out loud around half way through the 1st. I really don't understand what this coaching staff is thinking. Perhaps...
HA!!!! You know I am not sure on that one. I've gotta give you credit that was a good one.
Good point