Sounds like good news, we will just have to wait and see now.
Maybe some of the changes to the rules of engagement should be to use the cable news reporters to lead the attacks.
Sorry guys. If he doesn't get the blood back into his foot it will start to decay and die. So the surgeons don't have all the time in the world....
I hope every thing is alright. The implication of amputation is never good, however what worries me is the poor perfusion in his foot. If that...
God our politicians are so smart. :dis:
I second the of course barry knew about it. As far as I'm concerned all of those chicago politicians are worse than dog cr@p stuck to the bottom...
I would love for the "Wizard" to start getting a little imaginative. Just think putting Shep in at WR for a couple of plays, RB for a couple of...
NEWS HEADLINES FROM TODAY Raining oil in Louisiana Well containment cap removed after collision with robotic submarine..... Flow sky rockets...
I think this is the major point here. I dislike our Liar-In-Chief as much as the next person but he is the guy in charge (for now). If the good...
Just what I was thinking. Hopefully this will help to motivate.
As I've always said if he is than GREAT if he isn't then the bigger question is will Les give some one else the chance to prove they are the man?...
I'll take the underdog position any day of the week. :tigereye:
1. Yea I could understand that like the dude said we all have questions about this one, however the game changer could be Gonzalas working with...
Good point. The phrase "home cooking" comes to mind.
Agreed! Yet again this is where common sense fixes a problem that certain people (gumps) do not want fixed.
Addition to all of the horrible calls we saw this doesn't include the horrible calls during the bowl season. (However I don’t know if the refs...
This is turning into a huge cluster F. On the other hand it is a nice little distraction from the normal boredom around this time waiting for...
First of all great news for this kid. Hope he does well whatever he does, however I am afraid this again sets us back depth wise in the QB...
Possibly the only good thing about being "down" for the last couple of years is we should have better shot at getting most of our games at night....
Well the only problem I have ever had with Skip was he seemed to schedule the creamiest cream puff teams to play (for football anyway). Some...